Writing a resume isn't always easy! That's why we created tools like ResyBuild.io and wrote guides such as how to write a job-winning resume.
You may also be wondering what's better - a one-page resume or two?
The answer? It's different for everyone! The most important thing you can do is optimize your resume to its fullest potential.
Quick Tips To Optimize Your Resume
- Make sure you only have 3–5 bullets in your summary section and each experience section
- Write concise and value-driven bullets (ResyBullet.io can help you with this)
- Scan your resume against ResyMatch.io to find important keywords and skills
How To Fit Your Resume On One Page
If you're trying to fit all your information onto one page, but are going over the page break, check out these formatting tips that may help!
Click play to watch the video below:
Formatting The Text
Try making some of these adjustments to get your resume to fit on one page:
- Reduce the size of the font
- Adjust the line spacing
- Reduce the vertical margin
For more information on how to format the text on your resume, click here.
Tags: second page, one page resume, multipage resume