Exporting The Results Of Your Resume Scan

Learn how to export the results of your resume scan.
Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

ResyMatch.io offers the ability to export the results of your resume scan to a PDF report. You can also download older scans as well.

How To Export Your Scan Results

After you've entered your resume and the job description into ResyMatch, select Click To Scan. You will see your results page. 

In the same box as your scan results, click the Export Results To PDF button. This action will automatically download the 4-page report to your computer in a PDF format.

How To Download Previous Resume Scans

1. Navigate to My Tools

2. Scroll down to view My Resume Scans

3. Select one from the list of scans and click Download

This action will automatically download the selected scan to a full 4-page PDF report.

Naming Your Scans

To make finding scans easier, consider naming them as they're saved. To rename a scan, simply select the Edit icon next to the scan date and rename the scan. Choose the green check mark to confirm.

ResyMatch Score Results

To learn more about your ResyMatch score results, click here.

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