Exporting The Results Of Your Resume Scan

Learn how to export the results of your resume scan.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

Finding Your Resume Scan History

Learn how to access your ResyMatch scan history.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

Understanding Your Resume Match Score

Learn how to read the results of your ResyMatch score.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

What Is ResyMatch.io?

Learn more about Cultivated Culture's resume scanner, ResyMatch.io!

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

Editing The Name Of A Resume Scan

Learn how to name your resume scans in ResyMatch.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

Understanding Your ATS Best Practice Score

Learn about the ATS Best Practice results from your ResyMatch scan.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

Understanding Your Hard Skills Match Score

Learn about the hard skills match results from your ResyMatch scan.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

Adding New Keywords To The ResyMatch Database

Learn how to submit a request to add new words to our database.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

Understanding Your Soft Skills Match Score

Learn about the soft skills match results from your ResyMatch scan.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

Scanning Your Resume In ResyMatch

Learn how to scan your resume and job description in ResyMatch.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

Understanding Your Sales Index Score

Learn about the sales index score results from your ResyMatch scan.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 2 years ago

Removing Keywords From Your Resume Scan

Learn how to remove a keyword from your resume scan in ResyMatch.io.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

Understanding The Resume Score Comparison

Learn more about how we compare resume scores.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

How ResyMatch Deals With Plurals And Tenses

Learn how ResyMatch scans for plurals and tenses.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

Uploading A Resume To ResyMatch

Learn how to upload or paste your resume to be scanned in ResyMatch.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

Pasting A Job Description

Learn how to paste a job description in ResyMatch.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

Finding Keywords In A Job Description

Learn how to find keywords in the job description.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago

Scanning Resumes And Job Descriptions In Other Languages

Learn if you can scan your resume and job description in another language.

Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 3 months ago