Understanding Your Resume Match Score

Learn how to read the results of your ResyMatch score.
Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 6 months ago

When you use ResyMatch.io to scan a resume against a job description, you'll receive a full breakdown on the overall matching results. 

These results are broken up into four categories.

  1. ATS Best Practice
  2. Hard Skills Match
  3. Soft Skills Match
  4. Sales Index

The above image shows how your scan results stack up against the average resume scan score. The goal is to get an average or above average score.

By scrolling down the page, you can view the results in detail.

This four page report can be exported to PDF by selecting the Export Results To PDF button at the top of the page.

Learn More About Your Resume Match Score

To learn more about the ATS Best Practice score, click here.

To learn more about the Hard Skills Match score, click here.

To learn more about the Soft Skills Match score, click here

To learn more about the Sales Index score, click here.

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