Cancelling Your Unlimited Subscription

Learn how to cancel your Unlimited subscription here.
Written by Austin Belcak
Updated 11 months ago

If you've purchased an Unlimited plan, you are welcome to cancel it at any time! 

Follow the directions below to learn how. 

How To Cancel My Subscription

1. Make sure you are signed in and navigate to My Dashboard

2. Click on the Billing tab in the left column

3. Under Manage your Subscription, you'll select the Cancel My Subscription link

Note: You should receive an email confirmation that your subscription has been cancelled.

If you cancelled before the month ends, you can still use all our tools until the new month begins. At that time, you will automatically be moved to our Free plan, and you will not be charged unless you choose to upgrade again.

For Course Members

If you are currently enrolled in one of our paid courses, or have purchased a digital product, cancelling your Unlimited subscription will not affect this in any way. Cancelling your Unlimited subscription will not cancel you from a course membership or cancel any payments you may owe on a course or product.

Please see our refund and cancellation policy here.

Tags: Cancel subscription
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